Peter Fitzpatrick – “12 Step”/”The Air” – 190712

Spoke too soon…;-).

Peter thought the remix might have been a bit more, shall we say, adventurous. Over the last few days I was on a bit of a road trip and thought good and hard about what I might do to the track to meet Peter’s brief. Came back this p.m., absolutely shattered, and decided to have a “go”…

…which leads to “The Air” – an abstract, vaguely ambient track based around a few key lyrics from the original track with lots of delay feedback. Plus I took the main vocal track, reversed it, ran it through a VST ring modulation plugin, a couple of delays and a flanger. I then overdubbed a few synth lines using voices from the Viral Outbreak, HALion One and Majken’s Chimera VST soft synths. All done in CE5.

The track is now almost completely unrecognisable, either as the source track or even as a piece of music. Still, Peter did ask for “adventurous”…;-).

I plan to mix/master the track tomorrow.


