Peter Fitzpatrick – “12 Step” – 280711

Did audio cleanup on the 9 bass parts in Cool Edit Pro.

Imported the parts into CE5 and edited them. Found I didn’t need to use all the parts I’d recorded. Comp’d a bass line which is pretty much in sync with the supplied click track. Some judicious EQ-ing and a bit of ducking and diving under a decent rhythm track and we should be good to go. Although I suspect I’ll be having another cut at the bass line when the overall arrangement has bedded down…;-P

Sent the file up to Peter via Soundcloud. Let’s see what develops, shall we…?



Peter Fitzpatrick – “12 Step” – 270711

Recorded 9 bass parts using the Rickenbacker 4003 and Bass Pod XT on the Tascam 2488.

The nice, “handy” bass line I came up with a few days ago was rather more difficult to record when I was trying to be that bit more careful. However, I think I’ve got it down. Hopefully it all hangs together well. I’ll have a pop at editing all the parts tomorrow.



Peter Fitzpatrick – “Trigger Happy”/”12 Step” – 260711

Peter sent me down some files yesterday and I resolved to tackle ’em today.

“Trigger Happy” is a new track. The demo is just Peter (how could I say just Peter…?) and his acoustic guitar. Not great on time signatures, but I’m guessing it’s in 6/8 – I’m sure I’ll be corrected on this. Sounds like it’ll work nicely in his acoustic gigs, but I can hear some sweet potential arrangements going on there.

Peter also sent me down new files for “12 Step” incorporating a click-track in 132 bpm. I prepared a rough mix for myself in CE5 which boosted the solo click track and mixed down the track which combined the original backing track and click track. I really just need to have the backing track loud enough to keep track of where the “changes” are – my main concern is to get a bass track which is tight with the click track, and leave it up to Peter to set his timing to that.

Of course, a combination and old age got in the way today, and I wasted 30 mins trying to find out why my Tascam 2488 couldn’t pick up the tracks which I’d made a number of attempts to transfer across to it. The Tascam is normally very reliable but I reckoned that since I’ve been using it a lot over the last six months, maybe I needed to re-format the hard drive. Did that – no good. Eventually, I copped the fact that the tracks I was trying to transfer across were in 24/48. I guessed that maybe the Tascam doesn’t like audio in 48, and sure enough, when I did new mixes in 24/44, the Tascam lapped them up. So a lesson to remember for the future then…

I wasted so much time on this stupid problem that I didn’t feel I’d have enough time left this morning to do anything meaningful with “12 Step”, so I decided to record a rough demo bass line for “Trigger Happy” (Rickenbacker 4003/Bass Pod XT) to see if Peter would be happy with it. I ran up a rough MP3 mix and popped it on Soundcloud for Peter to pick up. Hopefully, I’ll hear from him shortly.

In the meantime, I’ll give “12 Step” a go tomorrow…



Peter Fitzpatrick – “12 Step” – 200711

Peter has been in touch and seems to be happy with the bass line, within the context of it being a demo bass line to a demo track. More work to be done on this in due course.



Peter Fitzpatrick – “12 Step” – 180711

Did a rough demo bassline using the Rickenbacker 4003/Tascam 2488/Bass Pod XT. All one take (but obviously after some practice).

Transferred the bassline to CE5 and put together a rough mix, which I have sent up to Peter via Soundcloud.

It’s not perfect, but like a commode, it’s something to go on…



Peter Fitzpatrick – “12 Step” – 170711

Peter has asked me to work on a bass part for a new song he’s composing. And I, of course, am happy to oblige!

Just downloaded an aiff file of the song with vocals, guitar and click track off Soundcloud. I’ve had some preliminary ideas messing about on the Aria and I’ll try and do some tracking tomorrow.



Cousin Silas – 110711

Cousin Silas has been in contact and we are happy with our finished selections.

So that’s pretty much it for this project. When the time is right, I will let you know where the finished material can be located.

Till then, be patient, please…;-)



Cousin Silas – “BVV” – 060711

Mixed two versions of the track in CE5, Cubase VST/24 and AA3 – one compressed/limited and the other not.

Sent both versions over to Cousin Silas for approval.  Hopefully I’ll get some feedback pretty soon.

And that, my friends, is it for the moment. Things might be a bit quiet around here for a while, but not for too long, with a bit of luck.

